
Showing posts from June, 2017


BUDDHISM — Name - Siddharta . — Birth – 563BC. — Place – Lumbini in nepal. — Parents – Suddhodana and Mahamaya.                       (Gauthami prajapathi). — Wife – Yashodha. — Son  -  Rahula . — At the age of 29 Gautama Buddha left the home. — He attained nirvana at the age of 35, under the pipal tree in bodhgaya — He delivered his first sermon at sarnath in banaras. — He propagated his teachings for 40 years (483 BC) . He passed away at the age of 80years at kushinagar — He said that the world is full of sorrows and people suffer on account of desires , if desires are conquered then nirvana is attained. — For conquer of desire he proposed  eight fold path  known as ASHTANGIKA MARGA. CODE OF CONDUCT — Do not covet the property of others. — Do not commit the violence. — Do not use the intoxicants. — Do not speak lie. — Do not indulge in corrupt practice. Features of Buddhism — Buddhism does not believe in  Atman  and  Brahman  (god). — Buddhism